Latest News
update: 18 februari 2025
Some new Endgame studies explained and solvings at YouTube with studies by Martin Minski.
For example the channel in German language Mustermatt175
Or a miniature with Pavel Arestov at ChessBase India
And worldchampion Gukesh solving it.
In the 7-Chess-Notes-2024 ty the prize winners are:
1-2 Volger Hergert
1-2 Oleg Pervakov
3-4. M. Pasman
3-4 S. Migunov
In the Poland 2024 ty the prize winners are:
1. Andrzej Jasik
2. Martin Minski
3. Andrzej Jasik
4. Michael Pasman
EG 239 issued:
This diagram is a sound Babson Task study composed by Daniele Gatti !!
In the Ceskoslovensky Sach 2024 ty the prize winners are:
1. Peter Krug
2. Luděk Sedlák
3. Amatzia Avni
Humor study decicated to Arves:
For the Skovoroda 300 - 2022 ty the prize winners are:
1. Jan Timman
2. David Gurgenidze
3. Michael Pasman
4. Igor Jarmonov
For the Sinfonie Scacchistiche 2024 ty the prize winners are:
1. David Gurgenidze
2. Michael Pasman
For the V.Katnelson MT 2024 ty the prize winners are:
1. M. Gromov and O. Pervakov
2. L. Katsnelson
For the Amiryan MT 2024 ty, the prize winner is Oleg Pervakov.
The Shakki 100 JT - Award is not yet fully published but the awards are published.
The closing date for the ChessBase India tournament has been extended to 1 March 2025 !:
Lets hope for peace in the world and only battle at the chessboard.
New book by Costeff, Gady 1961
Celebrating FIDE Centenary 1924–2024
More information and sample pages at
And also at Chessbase
For the Problemist Ukraine 2024 ty the two prize winners are:
1/2 Martin Minski
1/2 Jan Sprenger
For the Avni-70 JT 2024 the prize winners are:
1. Oleg Pervakov
2. Jason Ke
3. Michael Pasman
4. Jan Sprenger
5. Michael Pasman
6. Manuel Sanz Cabrero & Luis Miguel González
For the Sergey Osintsev JT 64 ty the prize winners are:
1. Alexey Popov
2. Eduard Eylazyan
3. Oleg Pervakov
New issue of Finales Y Temas 138 available by José Copié,
Vladislav Tarasiuk (Ukraine) did send this new study with the interesting task:
Incarceration of three white pieces: Rook, Bishop and Knight
7 December 2024 is the 20th anniversary date of this website.
20 years ago started as a simple website in Dutch.
In 2015 updated basically to English, but many laguage translations available.
Now more than 1750 articles available.
With both actuality and history.
In the UAPA 24th 2024 tournament there are the following prize winners:
In the thematic section A:
"Study for win or draw with blocking or temporary blocking of black queen or rook."
there are no prize winners but some Honorable mentions and a Commendation.
Find them in the PDF-file.
In section B1: Win studies:
1. Oleg Pervakov
2. Michal Hlinka with Luboš Kekely
3. Mario Micaloni with Daniele Gatti
4. Pavel Arestov with Peter Krug
5. Daniil Yakimovich
In section B2, Draw studies:
1. Oleg Pervakov
2. Jan Timman
Chessbase India with WFCC organizes a Endgame study tournament called
"My first endgame study".
Anyone who has never published an endgame study can participate !
Volodymyr Samilo from Ukraine has created the following Endgame study in memory of
Isenegger, Samuel 1899-1964 (2.11.1899 -15.11.1964)
For his 125th anniversary of birth and 60th anniversary of death.
The study is a variation of this study by Isenegger.
Harold van der Heijden has written two nice articles at ChessBase.
One about underpromotion and
another also about underpromotion but then about the Babson Task study of Gady Costeff.
In the Moscow 2024 ty the only prize winner is:
Pavel Arestov with Petr Kiryakov.
In the Probleemblad 2021-2022 the prize winners are:
1/2. Steffen Nielsen , Michael Pasman
3. Michael Pasman
4. Steffen Nielsen and Martin Minski
In the 10th FRME 2024 the prize winners are:
1. Petromir Panayotov (Bulgaria)
2. David Gurgenidze (Georgia)
The Babson Task by Gady Costeff in an Endgame study !!!
(see front diagram of EG 238 below)
In the Hornecker MT 2024 the rankings have changed.
Read the page 1000 in the Quartz-60 issue.
(A new PDF for the reward is yet available).
For the UAPA 23rd 2024 ty now also the Section B1 and B2 are available to download and replay.
New issue 238 of EG has been issued:
New book by Jan Timman:
Some sad news from Hungary, Peter Gyarmati is in a hospital due to a stroke.
We wish him a good recovery !
If you are using of X / Twitter, you might consider to follow Jan Timman (@GMJanTimman)
who posts daily chess quotes and chess puzzles, mainly based on Chess endgame studies.
In the FRME 6th TT 2024, the prize winners are:
1. Ivan Belonozhko
2. Oleg Pervakov
3. Yochanan Afek
4. Pavel Arestov
In the 23rd UAPA 2024 ty the prize winners are:
Section A: Theme
1. Michael Pasman
2. Oleg Pervakov
3/4. Andrzej Jaszik, Pavel Arestov
Section B1: Studies Win
1. Sergey Osintsev
2. Michael Pasman
3. Serhiy Didukh
4. Peter Krug and Pavel Arestov
5. Michael Pasman
Section B2. Studies Draw
1. Oleg Pervakov
2. Jan Timman
3. Sergey Osintsev
New issue of the spanish Finales Y Temas 136 by José Copié.
100 issues of this magazine are to be found here at Arves !
Sad composer news from Russia.
Vladimir Ilyich Katsnelson has passed away.
There is a small obituary at the Selivanov website:
Katsnelson, Vladimir 1937-2024
Vladimir Neistadt published his interesting memoirs on the site of the Altai Chess Federation
See also more about him: Neistadt, Vladimir 1950
Rainer Staudte found also some information about the brother of him: Pawel Neistadt.
For now added to the page about Vladimir.
Humoristic study by Daniele Gatti from Italy:
For the SŠZ 100 JT 2024 ty the prize winners are:
1. Martin Minski
2. Oleg Pervakov
3. Amatzia Avni
4. Vladislav Tarasiuk
5. Justus Zimm
For the British magazine The Problemist 2023 ty the prize winners are:
1. Steffen Nielsen
2. Sirhey Didukh
3. Sarah Hornecker, Martin Minski and Jan Sprenger
In the Sachova Skladba 2023 ty the only prize winner is Martin Minski.
In the Azerbaijan Jirtdan 2024 ty the prize winners are:
1st and 2nd prize to Oleg Pervakov
3rd prize to Yuri Bazlov
Studies selected in the Chess Artistry Adventure 2024
The CAA is an event organized by Judit Polgar.
Sad news from Bulgaria.
At 11-8-2024 GM Petko Petkov passed away.
One of all -time greatest composers with an output of more than 6000 problems in all genres ,
5 time world champion with record entries in Fide albums.
In the 8th YCCC 2024 the place results are:
1. Ural Khasanov, (Russia)
2. Ilija Serafimović, (Serbia)
3. Itay Richardson, (Israel)
4-6. William Dolmer, (Canada), Andrii Sergiienko, (Ukraine), Ben Smolkin, (Canada)
7. Benjamin Defromont, (France)
8-9. Dylan Schenker, (USA), Renārs Mūzis, (Latvia)
10-13. Tymon Piotrowski, (Poland), Anton Nasyrov, (Russia), Ivan Vasiliev, (Russia), Anirudh Daga, (India, Singapore)
14. Taras Rudenko, (Ukraine)
15. Idan David, (Israel)
16-17. Ivan Belonozhko, (Russia), Iancu-Ioan Sandea, (Romania)
In the magazine ty Die Schwalbe 2021-2022 the prize winners are:
1-2. Michael Pasman, Jan Rusinek
3. Gunter Sonntag
4-5. Jarl Henning Ulrichsen, Paul Raican
6. Michael Pasman
At the Congress Polish Chess Composers 2024,
also a Chess Endgame Study competition was held.
(page 17 of the PDF file)
The prize winners are:
1. Jan Rusinek
2. Bogusz Piliczewski & Jan Rusinek
3/4. Marek Kwiatkowski
3/4 Jan Rusinek
At the Jurmala 2024 congress titles were awarded to:
Steffen Nielsen became GrandMaster,
Jan Sprenger became FIDE-Master.
In the Hornecker Memorial ty (See PDF in Award Files), the prize winners are:
1. M. Gromov & Oleg Pervakov
2. Alexey Gasparyan
3. Ivan Bondar & Mikhail Khramtsevich
4. Steffen Nielsen
5. Y. Afek & M.Pasman
6. V.Hergert & M.Minski
7. M.Hlinka & L.Kekely
Picture with (left-to-right) Paul Raican (tourney judge), GM Martin Minski, GM Yochanan Afek and GM Steffen Nielsen at the event.
Branislav Durasevic has published a nice article showing his Endgame Studies:
Pearls of the Chess Games in Chess Informant 160.
You may find it at his personal page here at Arves:
Study composers at the 66th World Congress of Chess Compositions at Jurmala, (Latvia) 2024.
From left to right:
Martin Minski, Yochanan Afek, Gady Costeff,
Marcel Van Herck, Michael Schlosser,
Rainer Staudte, Beat Neuenschwander, Jan Sprenger,
Daniele Gatti, Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen, Ilija Serafimovic.
Very sad news:
Mario Guido Garcia (Argentina) passed away at 12 July 2024.
Condolences to his family and all being part of this website.
Mario was a great contributor to Chess Endgame studies and also to this website.
Peter Krug did send me this message:
"He was a very hard-working person. He enjoyed great success in his professional life as a professor.
He achieved a great deal in chess composition, not only as an extremely productive student composer,
but also as a problem chess composer, adjudicator, controller and corrector.
He has created a platform for chess study composers on UAPA.
Now that he is dead, I don't know if this platform for study composers is still available.
Mario Guido García was a driving force in study composition. He created over 200 studies in co-operation with me.
I think this is a great loss for the chess study world!
I have written some words on time note.
See also: Garcia, Mario 1948-2024
For the Lithuanian Chess Composers Union, the famous duo Michael Hlinka with Lubos Kekely
were the 4x winners of the honors in this 2020-2023 competition are.
Also I Aliev and R.Staudte were mentioned.
See the PDF in the Award Files.
In the Chepizhny 90 JT tournament (See PDF in Award Files) the prize winners are:
1. Y. Bazlov with V. Neustadt
2. M.Notkin with S.N. Tkachenko
3. M.Gromov with O.Pervakov
4. V.Hertgert with M.Minski
For the Vratnica-64 2023 ty the prize winners are:
1. Michael Pasman
2. Michal Hlinka with Luboš Kekely
3. Darko Hlebec
In the Problem Paradise 2023 ty, in the Section with Win-studies the 3 prize winners ex aequo are:
1-3. Peter Krug, Jan Timman, Michael Pasman.
In the Section with Draw studies the prize winners are:
1. Eduard Eilazyan
2. Michael Pasman
3. Andrzej Jasik
In the Pat a Mat 2022-2023 ty the prize winners are:
1. Thomas Niessen
2. Pavel Arestov with Daniel Keith
3. Vladimir Samilo with Vladislav Tarasiuk
Siegfried Hornecker Memorial Tourney, WCCC Jurmala 2024:
He was, together with Michael Roxlau, the editor of studies at Die Schwalbe.
His autobiographical book "Weltenfern" can be found on the ARVES website (here):
Weltenfern || book by Siegfried Hornecker
He presented an interesting endgame study with detailed explanation each month in website.
In his memory, Quartz launches a thematic tournament at WCCC Jurmala 2024.
"The requirement is: in direct play, a white piece occupies an X square at least twice during the solution, then leaves it.
These occupation moves must be done without capture and without check.
The thematic piece may not be a white King."
The tourney is open to all and not just the congress participants.
and that the entries would preferably be sent also in a PDF file format.
Sarah (former Siegfried) Hornecker passed away at 22.3.2024
Sarah regularly wrote articles for EG and Chessbase and was a successful study composer.
Martin Minski: "We were good friends. My condolences to his family. Rest in peace."
Hornecker, Siegfried/Sarah 1986-2024
At an nice introduction and announcement for the
8th YCCC (Youth Chess Composing Challange)
where composers born 2001 or younger can show their creations.
By GM Marjan Kovačević, WFCC President,
(World Federation of Chess Composition).
The following study by Yochanan Afek is praised at Youtube with nice comments.
The study won 2nd pr. in Jan Timman-60 2012 and The Study of the Year 2012 award.
In the Tehtavaniekka 2023 tournament the prize winners are:
1. Jan Sprenger
2. Peter Krug
3. Martin Minski
In the 64-Shakhmatnoye Obozrenye 2023 tournament
(see PDF in Award Files) the prize winners are:
1. A.Avni with M.Pasman
2. Martin Minski
3. E. Egorov with O. Pyankova
The ChessStar Ministar-V ty with theme: Miniature, shows 4 studies.
Pavel Arestov was awarded a Honorary Mention.
As of page 12 in the Variantim 92 magazine
you may find the awarded Studies of the
Israeli Ring Tournament 2023.
The prizewinners are:
1-2 Amatzia Avni with Martin Minski
1-2 Steffen Nielsen
3. Steffen Nielsen.
Also Michael Pasman has an interesting article about studies as of page 27.
In the Shakhmatnaya-Kompozitsiya-2023 the prize winners are:
1. Vladimir Kuzmichev
2. Volker Hergert with Martin Minski
(See the PDF in the Award files)
Favourite chess book of the recent Toronto Candidate tournament winner
Dommaraju Gukesh is
written by Yochanan Afek about Studies
Check at YT Chessbase India (minute 2:30)
The Argentinian UAPA 22th provisionally award: UAPA 22th 2023 has 3 sections.
The prize winners in these sections are:
For Section A : Thematic: Logic study with false try in a preliminary plan
1. Michael Pasman
2. Oleg Pervakov
3. Michael Pasman
4. Pavel Arestov
Section B1, Theme free, Wins:
1-2. Oleg Pervakov
1-2. Jan Timman with Steffen Nielsen and Mario Garcis
3. Oleg Pervakov.
Section B2, Theme free, Draws:
1. Oleg Pervakov
2+3+4. Michael Pasman.
The prize winner for the Sachova Skladba 2022 tournament is:
Mchael Pasman.
(Judged by Vladislav Tarasiuk living in the war-zone in Kharkov).
For the magazine Schach 2022-2023 tournament the prize winners are:
1. Jan Sprenger
2. Michael Pasman
For the Bilokin 85 MT the prize winners are:
1. Serhiy Didukh
2. Jan Sprenger
3. Martin Minski
4-5. Michael Pasman
4-5. Jan Timman
6. Steffen Nielsen
The prize winners for the 7th Thematic tournament by The Macedonian Problemist 2023 are:
1. Oleg Pervakov
2. Jan Sprenger
3. Serhiy Didukh
4. Steffen Nielsen with Martin Minski
Fo the Nosek 70 JT tournament, 6 prizes were given.
1st prize for Michael Pasman,
2-3 prize to co-work of trio Michal Hlinka, Lubos kekely and Pavel Arestov
2-3 prize to co work of F. Korostenski and Jaroslav Polasek
4-5 prize to Yochanan Afek
4-5 prize to co-work of Martin Minski and Steffen Nielsen
6th prize to co-work of V. Babula and Jaroslav Polasek
Martin Minski meets Judit Polgar in his hometown Berlin, in the Reichstag at an Simultan exhibition.
"Judit is an ambassador of peace, an interesting personality and a great promoter of Endgame studies".
Chessbase India with an interesting 1,5 hour interview with GM Afek, Yochanan 1952 at Facebook.
The yearly solving contest at Nunspeet had the following studies to solve.
May be try it first your selve without looking at the solutions?
The winners:
(Left to right:) David Hodge, Richard Dobias, Andy Ooms.
Daniele Gatti created this posthume co-study with and in memory of Marco Bonavoglia
Chessbase India often uses Endgame studies to popularize chess.
This study is showed at Instagram and at Twitter in a nice way
with a challenge of the most beautiful chess combination.
Study composed by Volodymyr Samilo (Ukraine)
in memory of John Derek Beasley
(after John Beasley, 1998)
Sad news: at 3 March John Derek Beasley passed away at an age of 84.
He had had cancer for some while, but was well enough to publish his last book a few months ago.
John was a very active Chess Endgame study promotor who also attributed a lot to this Arves website.
You may look into the Collections menu for articles like this:
Studies Richard Réti by John Beasley
and he wrote an Arves book in 2003:
Depth and Beauty, Artur Mandler book by John Beasley
We will miss him greatly.
His latest book available at:
In the Magyar Sakkvilag 2023 the prize winners are:
1. Steffen Nielsen
2. Pavel Arestov
3. Peter Krug with Mario Garcia
For the Polish Chess Fed 2023 the prize winners are:
1-2 Gady Costeff
1-2 Marek Kwiatkowski
3-4 Jacek Gigola with Bogusz Piliczewski and Iwan Borisenko
3-4 Michael Pasman
5th Andrzej Babiarz
The 1-3rd ex eqauo prize winners for the miniature 7-chess-notes-2023 tournament are:
Martin Minski,
Pavel Arestov with Daniel Keith,
Pavel Arestov with Peter Krug
(See PDF in Awards Files)
Young OTB Grandmaster of India: Praggnanandhaa tries to solve 6 studies in 1 hour:
In the Hlinka 70-JT 2023 tournament there are two sections.
The winners in section A, "Up till 10 figures" the 1st-3rd prize winners are:
Rainer Staudte and Michael Schlosser,
Jaroslav Polasek and Emil Vlasak
Michael Pasman.
In section B also 1st-3rd prizes to:
Valery Kalashnikov and Sergey Osintsev,
Oleg Pervakov,
Michael Pasman.
For the Zadachi i Etyudi 2022,
the 1st prize winner is the very active composer
Michael Pasman
In the informal tournament The Macedonian Problemist 2022
1st prize to Sirhey Didukh
2nd prize to Michael Pasman
In the Variantim 91 issue, articles about studies by
Gady Costeff (page 2),
Serhiy Didukh (pages 3-5) and
Michael Pasman (pages 16-18).
New book with studies of Mattison, Hermann 1894-1932
Available at Amazon.
As mentioned earlier, at the Chessbase website, Siegfried Hornecker writes every month
an interesting article about Chess Endgame studies.
The latest one of 8-jan is about the 50-move rule which can make a difference in the outcome.
At the ECF Book of the Year Shortlist, this is written about:
The Pawn Study Composer's Manual, Mikhail Zinar
The Pawn Study Composer’s Manual
Mikhail Zinar Elk and Ruby pp284 £24.95
Pawn studies may be a niche in the chess world, but this high-class book,
written by a man who spent a lifetime composing pawn studies,
demonstrates the richness and depth of the game.
The reader will find instruction, enjoyment and inspiration therein.
Zinar, a Ukrainian, died in 2021 and this edition was updated by Zinar’s close friend Tkachenko,
“with my city (Odesa) being regularly bombed, which considerably slowed progress!”
Book review: Anthology of miniature Endgame Studies
More than 2000 works of art many of which have become classics,
various periods, composers, themes and styles are represented.
At this website it is for sale with this text:
Solving endgame studies has become a major working tool in modern chess training combining the instructive with the enjoyable.
Studies are highly recommended for refining calculating and tactical skills, deepening endgame understanding,
as well as improving creativity and out of the box thinking.
The Anthology of Miniature Endgame Studies is the biggest selection of composed endings with up to seven pieces on the board,
created by the world’s best composers throughout the past 150 years.
The carefully selected studies are categorized into thematic chapters.
The game-like positions highlight the power and typical qualities of each piece alone and in collaboration with other pieces.
From the foreword by GM Jan Timman: “Endgame studies are in fact an important factor in becoming a strong player.
It is significant that both Garry Kasparov and Magnus Carlsen have a keen interest in endgame studies.
It is praiseworthy that Chess Informant was ready to publish this important work. Afek is arguably the most qualified person to write it.”
You can download or look into an Excerpt of the book, with more than 50 examples.
Task on the cover of the book, white plays and wins:
As we just have showed many new books about Endgame studies,
here you may find all of the books (66!!) issued and written by Arves-member:
For details about each book, just click on the picture of the book.
Interesting book (issued by Vasily Lebedev) titled
111 Magic Studies
composed by Zhukov, Alexander 1963
It is in Russian language, beautiful hard-cover and has more than 500 pages.
More about it at the composers page where also many of the studies in the book are showed.
Attention for the new Fide Album:
In eight sections you will find 273 two-movers, 241 three-movers, 159 moremovers
, 227 endgame studies,
400 helpmates, 215 selfmates, 357 fairy compositions and 112 retros.
Each chess problem has been selected by a panel of judges and commented on by experts.
Besides that, many pages of indexes and definitions.
More info and sample pages at
Today 4.1 is:
The tournament organized for this special day:
Triumph of International Law 2023
Has as prize winners:
1. Steffen Nielsen
2. Bogusz Piliczewski
3. Amatzia Avni with Yochanan Afek
In the ChessStar 2023 the 1st and 3rd prize are won by Steffen Nielsen.
2nd prize to Michael Pasman.
In the Italian Scacchistiche 2023 tournament (See page 6-9 in PDF, Awards Files)
the 1st prize winner is: Peter Krug
2nd prize for Amatzia Avni with Martin Minski
3rd prize to Michael Pasman.
Happy, healthy, peaceful and creative new year 2024 !
The prize winners for the Chess Study Art 2023 tournament are:
1. Michael Pasman
2. Steffen Nielsen
3. Martin Minski
(by Ferenc Berkes and Tibor Karolyi)
The UAPA 21st 2023 has 3 sections.
In Section A with the theme: "In the study a white key-move has also a try on the same square"
the prize winners are:
1-3 ex-aequo: Serhiy Didukh, Oleg Pervakov, Michael Pasman.
In Section B1 Win studies:
1. Oleg Pervakov,
2. Jan Timman,
3. Eduard Eilazyan,
4. Andrzej Jasik,
5. Michael Pasman.
In Section B2 Draw studies:
1. Valery Kalashnikov,
2. Michael Pasman,
3. Helmut Waelzel,
4. Eduard Eilazyan.
In the Ukraine 21st Team Championship 2023 tournament
the first 4 prize winners are:
1. Vladislav Tarasiuk
2. Eduard Eilazyan
3-4. Valery Kopyl, Volodymyr Pogorelov, Taras Rudenko
3-4. Volodymyr Pogorelov
In the FRME 9th 2023 tournament the prize winners are:
1. Pavel Arestov with Amatzia Avni
2. Evgeny Egorov
(See PDF in the Awards Files;
NB. In the Hlinka_Kekely study, the white king should be at f6)
In the Ural Ekaterinenburg 300 tournament the prize winners are:
1st prize to: Sergei. Osintsev
2nd prize to: Yuri Bazlov with Vladimir Neishtadt
In the Karmil 65 JT only Honorary Mention- awards were given.
Another new book by Steffen Nielsen and Jacob Aagaard:
Endgame Labyrinths presents the reader with 1002 challenging studies selected and truncated,
with their usefulness for the practical player in mind.
It is common for studies to be extended by less interesting manoeuvres or by incomprehensible sequences,
before the main themes come into play.
The studies in this book have been pruned to leave the reader with 1002 clear and solvable challenges.
More information about it at QualityChess.
In the EG 2020-2021magazine tournament.
1st prize to Petr Kiryakov
2nd prize to Jan Sprenger
3rd prize to Amatzia Avni with Vladislav Tarasiuk.
Sad news from Slovakia:
Bedrich Formánek passed away at 19.11.2023.
Obituary from Executive Board of the Slovak Chess Composition Organization:
Bedrich passed away on November 19, 2023, at the age of 90.
A long-time the President of the Slovak Chess Composition Organization (SOKŠ)
and later its Honorary President, a former President of the Permanent Commission for Chess Composition (PCCC)
and then the Honorary President of the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC),
member of the SOKŠ Hall of Fame, chess composer, judge, lecturer, organizer, author of several books on chess composition
and its tireless promoter, author of 7,475 chess composition columns in newspapers, chess godfather of many Slovak chess composers,
but above all a great person and a good friend.
We will certainly return to his work, life and compositions for a very long time.
Bedrich, R.I.P.
More about him: Formanek, Bedrich 1933-2023
In the Moscow 2023 tournament there one prize winner:
M. Gromov with Oleg Pervakov.
In the Voia 100 MT 2023 tournament,
1st prize to Vladislav Tarasiuk,
2nd prize to Michael Pasman
A podcast (German language) with GM Minski, Martin 1969 on "Schachgefluster" no. 191.
New Fide Title holders:
Congratulations to Slumstrup Nielsen, Steffen 1975 (Denmark) becoming International Grandmaster in Chess composition
and Sumbatyan, Karen 1959 (Russia) becoming International Master in Chess composition.
Fide Master titles for: Sergiy Didukh (Ukraine), Daniel Keith (France),
Jan Sprenger (Germany), Aleksandr Stavrietsky (Russia).
Message with thanks from Japan:
FIDE Album 2019-2021 for Endgame studies results available !
In the Problemist Ukraine 2023 tournament the prize winners are:
1. Gady Costeff
2. Vladislav Tarasiuk
EG-234 has been issued:
See also EG234 Quality control.
The latest Variantim magazine 90 is available with an article from Michael Pasman (page13) about Endgame studies.
Paz Einat writes:
Difficult times here in Israel, it is unimaginable that such human cruelty still exists in our time.
Chess problems are a good refuge.
For the 5th FMRE TT 2023 tournament, the prize winners are:
1. Marek Halski
2. Michael Pasman
3. Michal Hlinka and Lubos Kekely.
See PDF in the Awards Files
For the Uralski Problemist 30 AT 2023 the prize winners are:
1. Alexander Zhukov and Sergi Osintsev
2. Michael Pasman
3. A. Popov
The studies for the Chess Artistry Adventure in memory of Pal Benko 2023 are presented.
More about this event in Budapest on 14 October 2023 at Chess Artistry.
The provisionally award for the Phenix 2022 tournament has the following prize winners:
1. Sergey Osintsev
2. Steffen Nielsen,
3. Michael Pasman.
Study in memory of Peter van den Heuvel,
composed by Volodomyr Samilo:
Sad news: member since the beginning of Arves (1988),
Peter van den Heuvel passed away at 29.8.2023, during a vacation in Georgia.
He was a very succesful solver having an International Master title for that.
He won also at Arves Solving Contest 2006
He was editor for the Probleemblad and succesful composer of Retro-problems.
More about him (in Dutch) at Probleemblad website.
He composed one endgame study:
Interesting article (in German language)
about Martin Minski in the German Magazine: Schach
(Deutsche Schachzeitung)
Martin Minski in Schach 2023-09
In the 7th Youth Composing Chess Championship (section B: studies), the prize winners are:
1. Ural Khasanov
2. Andrii Sergiienko
3. Ben Smolkin
4. Nikita Ushakov
5. Ilija Serafimovic
6. Anirudh Daga
7. Denisa Andreea Bucur
8. Costachi Mihnea
9. Danila Pavlov
10. Dylan Schenker
For the 75th jubilee of Mario Garcia the provisionally results are available.
You may find the prize resullts in the PDF at the Awards Files and the many studies to replay in:
Sad news from Argentina where Kapros, Jorge 1955-2023 passed away.
obituary written by: José A. Copié here.
In the Griva 70 JT 2023 tournament the prize winners are:
1. Sergy Osintsev
2. Michal Hlinka and Lubos kekely
3. Vladimir Kuzmichev
4. Poul Rewitz
5. Louis Miguel Gonzalez
Look in the Awards Files in the PDF of the Problemist Ukraine 2023/07 magazine as of page 29.
Interesting article about Cyclic Zugzwang and a free PGN-file to download
with 1131 examples, send by John Beasley.
A little late, the results of the Sachova Skladba 2021 tournament added to this website.
1st prize to Steffen Nielsen,
2nd prize to Michael Pasman,
3rd prize to Jaroslav Polasek.
Today 20.7 is International Chess day where we celebrate the establishment of the FIDE.
Alexander Rueb name holder of ARves : Rueb, Alexander 1882-1959 was the first President for 25 years.
In the Vratnica-64 2022 tournament the prize winners are:
Win section: 1. Sergey Osintsev,
2. Peter Krug,
3.Michael Pasman
Draw Section: 1, Michael Pasman,
2. Michal Hlinka and Luboš Kekely
In the UAPA 20th 2023 tournament for the Theme Section,
Theme is: "In study (win or draw) White or Black piece (Bishop, Knight, Rook or Queen ) goes into a corner under at least one capture.
The piece should not be protected and goes to the corner without taking enemy piece"
1st and 2nd prize for Jan Sprenger and Serhiy Didukh;
3rd and 4rd prize to Harold van der Heijden and Vladislav Tarasiuk.
For the Section B1 Wins:
1st: M. Gromov with Oleg Pervakov;
2nd Serhiy Didukh;
3rd Yuri Bazlov
4th prize to Michael Pasman.
For the Section B2 Draws:
1st and 2nd prize to Michal Hlinka with Lubos Kekely and Serhiy Didukh;
3rd and 4rd ptize to Andrzej Jasik and Eduard Eilazyan;
5th prize to Alain Pallier.
Three more articles to honor composers:
This year the Royal Dutch Chess Federation: KNSB celebrates its 150 year of existence.
For this jubilee a book was issued.
René Olthof has written an article about the history of ARVES for this book.
(It is written in Dutch).
The prize winners in the Azerbaijan 6th Cup 2023 tournament are:
1. Rasul Ibrahimov
2. Ulvi Bajarani
3. Elmar Gasimov
In the July 2023 issue of The Problemist magazine you can find as of page 146 the column by Yochanan Afek.
And as of page 168 the award for British Chess Problem Society 2022 by Gady Costeff.
(See the PDF in the award section).
The prize winners are.
1. Steffen Nielsen
2. Sirhey Didukh
3. Michael Pasman
In the Problem Paradise 2022 tournament
for the WIN-section the prize winners are:
1. Peter Krug
2. Jan Timman
3. Andrzej Jasik
for the DRAW section the prize winners are:
1/2. Michael Pasman
1/2. Sergey Osintsev
3. Andrzej Jasik
4. Michal Hlinka and Lubos Kekely
5. Valery Kalashnikov
In the tournament to memorize the battle at Kursk 80 MT years ago,
the prize winner is Alexander Stavrietski.
In the Hungarian magazine Magyar Sakkvilag 2022 tournament the prize winners are:
1. Michal Hlinka and Luboš Kekely
2. Martin Minski
3/4. Peter Krug and Mario Garcia
3/4 Sergiy Didukh
In the Tehtavaniekka 2022 tournament the prize winners are:
1. Steffen Nielsen
2. Jan Sprenger
3. Sergiy Didukh
4. Taras Rudenko and Volodomyr Samilo.
At YouTube Kasparov with Nakamura solving Endgame studies.
First two studies by Yochanan Afek.
In the Afek-70-JT-2022 tournament the prize winners are:
1st Prize: Sergiy Didukh
2nd Prize: Vladislav Tarasiuk
3rd Prize: Amatzia Avni and Martin Minski
4th Prize: Branislav Djuracevic.
See as of page 15-19 in the magazine Variantim 89 where also some more articles about studies are available.
In the magazine 64 - 2022 tournament, judge Yuri Bazlov awarded studies starting with
the 2nd prize, for Amatzia Avni,
3rd prize to V. Kuzmichev,
4th prize to Jan Sprenger.
See pdf in the Award-section.
In the UAPA 19th 2022 tournament for the Theme Section: "Suicidal piece fight"
1st prize winner is: Michael Pasman
Second prize to Peter Krug with Mario Garcia.
In the no theme section B1 Win: 1st prize to Jan Timman
In the B2 Draw section the 1st prize is for Mario Macaloni with Daniele Gatti
2nd prize to: Peter Krug
3rd prize to: Oleg Pervakov
Study composed by Martin Minski, dedicated to the two world champion match players
Ding Liren and Ian Nepomniachtchi.
Inspired by their endgame after 25…axb6! in their first tie-break game.
(Congrats to Ding Liren of China, the new World Champion of Classic otb Chess !!)
The first prize winners for the Minski-Nielsen 100 AT tournament are:
M. Sanz Cabrero with Louis Gonzalez
2nd prize to E.Kopylov with Oleg Pervakov
3rd prize to Michael Pasman with Yochanan Afek.
Tournament Calendar.
On this page a calendar of all known Endgame study tournaments which are running with information:
Also a very good page to check tournament announcements is on UAPA: Informal Tournaments, Formal Tournaments.
Latest update on 5-2-2025.
Please send new tournament announces to:
The magazine "64 - Shakhmatnoe Obozrenie" announces a traditional composing tourney for 2025
Sections: #2,#3,#n (judge A. Kuzovkov), studies (judge P. Arestov)
The winners will be awarded with a one-year subscription to the magazine
Send compositions to editor Aleksandr Kuzovkov to e-mail address:
A Chess Composition Tourney Sponsored by WFCC and ChessBase India
My First Endgame study.
In partnership with the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC), we proudly present 'My First Endgame Study,' a beginner-friendly study composing contest designed for chess enthusiasts eager to explore the creative world of chess composition, specifically studies.
Compose Your First Endgame; Win Exciting Prizes!
Chess compositions fall into two primary categories: problems and studies. In problems, the solver has to achieve the stipulated goal in a set number of moves (example: mate in 2, helpmate in 3, etc.). Studies, in contrast, are more game-like, seeking a win or a draw without restrictions on the number of moves. Important: this is a study composition event only. Submissions must be studies; problems will not be eligible.
Who Can Participate:
Anyone who has never published an endgame study. This includes everyone from chess amateurs all the way to world-class players like Gukesh and Magnus Carlsen! There is NO entry fee. Chess lovers of any age, nationality, etc., may apply!
The deadline to send your submission is 1st March 2025. Well, composing isn't a rush job. Tapping into creativity and imagination takes time. You have two full months - January and February - to craft your masterpiece!
Submit up to 3 endgame studies to the director of the event Satanick Mukhuty at
Your study must end in a mate.
The results will be published by January 31, 2025 – all participants will receive a link to the results.
Amazingly, we're offering an incredible prize pool of at least 10 awards! Our top creators will receive exclusive copies of the highly anticipated book One Endgame Study in a Thousand, and premium ChessBase products, including the brand-new ChessBase 18.
More information at Chessbase India.
judge Sergey Osintsev,
deadline 20. 2. 2025,
send to: Boris Shorokhov,
judge Vladislav Tarasyuk,
send to:
judge: Jan Timman,
send to: Jan Sprenger,
Studies – Judge: Vladislav Tarasiuk
– Entries should be sent to : Sergey Borodavkin :
The Royal Moroccan Chess Federation (FRME) organizes the 11th Composing Tourney
judge Evgeny Egorov,
deadline 30. 9. 2025,
in format DOC + PDF,
send to:
The magazine “64 – Chess Review”
” announces a traditional competition for composing chess problems and studies
Sections: #2,#3,#n (judge A. Kuzovkov), studies (judge S. Osintsev)
The winners are awarded an annual subscription to the magazine.
Send compositions to the email address of editor Alexander Kuzovkov:
Announcement tournament: EG 2024-2025
EG, the only periodical exclusively devoted to endgame studies, announces an informal tourney for original studies.
The studies and the award will be published in EG.
We will not publish all the submitted studies, as some magazines and websites do.
Our editor, Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen, will only select compositions of sufficiently high level for publication.
Please send your originals in PGN-format to the editor Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen at
Deadline for submissions for is August 25th, 2025.
The judge for the 2024-2025 tourney is Jan Sprenger.
Springaren 2023 -2024
Studies, no set theme
– Judge: Geir Tallaksen Ostmoe (Norway)
– Send studies to Director : Kjell Widlert.
– Prizes , honourable mentions , commendations and special nominations will be awarded.
– The award will be sent to participants by e-mail. and will be published in the magazine
Tehtäväniekka 2025
Finnish Chess Problem Society’s magazine Tehtäväniekka 2025
Original studies for an informal tourney, no set theme.
The composer will receive a PDF file of the publication issue and award.
Judge: Vladislav Tarasyuk (Ukraine)
Send your entries to the editor Vladislav Tarasyuk:
Shakhmatija 2025
send to the judge: Vilimantas Satkus,
Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsiya 2025
send to the judge: Sergey Osintsev,
Studies, no set theme
– Judge : Luboš Sedlák
– Prizes , honourable mentions , commendations and special nominations will be awarded.
Send studies to:
copy send to:
Studies – Yury Bazlov
– #2 – A. Slesarenko ,
# 3 –A. Sygurov. #n – G. Popov ,,
H # –P. Zabirokhin
S # – – A. Stepochkin,
F # –V. Nefyodov.
– The problemas and studies will be published as originals in the magazine Zadachy I Etiudy during 2024 Send to S. Bilyk
Send to S. Bilyk – email:
Closing date : 15 November 2024
The French magazine “Phenix” is looking for original orthodox studies (theme free, entries will be published in the magazine)
for its informal tourney for the year 2024
Please send your entries to Daniel Capron :
until october 31, 2024.
Judge: Jaroslav Polasek (Rep. Checa)
The preliminary award of the tourney will be sent to participants by e-mail
and will be published in the site Internet of “Phenix” and in the magazine.
7th TT FRME, 2025
The Royal Moroccan Chess Federation (FRME) organizes the 7th TT FRME, in 7 sections.
Endgame studies proposed theme: The win study. Need: Underpromotion for second color bishop or third knight, bishop, rook.
The play after underpromotion must continue at least 3rd moves.
Judge: Oleg Pervakov (Russia)
Send to tournament director to Jamal M Elbaz (Morocco)
Prizes, honourable mentions and commendations will be awarded.
Send problems and studies in format Word and PDF.
Details: fmrefmre website.
Closing date: 01.09.2025.
The award – 2025
All received problems will be presented to the judges in anonymous form.
Award will be published on the website:
INTERNET TOURNAMENT CHESS MAGAZINE CHESSSTAR – 2023 announces an annual composing contest in the following sections: #2, #3, #N, Etudes, H# , S#.
– ChessStar-2023 can only be entered by registered users Standard.
Entries are accepted (unlimited) from January 1 to December 31, 2023.
Prizes, honorary and commendable reviews have been established.
Preliminary results will be published on the website on January 31, 2024.
– Chief judge for all sections: Ferhat Karmil (Turkiye)
-Tournament Director Elmar Abdullaev Karmil (Azerbaijan)
The contest will include all original studies published in the journal during 2025.
judge Michal Hlinka
, send to judge:
More detailed analyzes and the pgn file can be found in the studies section on our website
Variantim 2025
The studies will be published as originals in the Israeli magazine Variantim during 2025.
Judge: Michael Pasman
1st prize: $300
Last day to accept studies: 15 November, 2025
- Director : Gady Costeff. Please send studies in PGN format to:
The results will be published in 4/2026.
Closing date: November 15/ 2025
judge Daniele Gatti,
–– send to Director : Valerio Agostini –
- deadline 30. 9. 2025
PAT A MAT Magazine has pleasure in announcing international tourneys for
See also:
judge Vladislav Tarasyuk
, send to: Ľuboš Kekely, SK-023 32 Snežnica 128
, e-mail:
Please, send your original work in PGN format.
Tournament director Peter Gyarmati to the e-mail address of the study : E-Mail
judge Vladislav Tarasyuk,
– Deadline: 20th November 2025.
-- Prizes , honourable mentions , commendations and special nominations will be awarded.
-- The award will be sent to participants by e-mail.
The WFCC is inviting composers of all countries to participate in the 2022-24 WCCI. The tourney director is Narayan Shankar Ram (email:
Judges: Endgame studies: Jan Sprenger (GER); Michael Pasman (ISR); Geir Sune Ostmoe (NOR); Luis Miguel Gonzalez (ESP); Alekseï Gasparyan (ARM); Reserve Judge: Steffen Nielsen (DNK).
Time Schedule:
December 1st, 2024: Announcement
January 20th, 2025: Deadline for Submission of entries to the Director
By February 1st, 2025: Entries and spreadsheets for the scores sent by email to the Judges
By June 1st, 2025 the latest: Judges’ marks sent to the Director
June 15th, 2025: Provisional results sent to the Supervising Panel and to the WFCC President
June 30th, 2025: Final results published on the WFCC site
Judge: NN
Entries in .pgn format are appreciated.
Prizes , honourable mentions , commendations and special nominations will be awarded.
Send to : Marcel van Herck
VRATNICA 64- 2024 or 2024/25
Studies, no set theme – Judge: Mario G. García (Argentina)
–Entries should be sent to: Bosko Miloseski, E-mail:
–Clarifications: If the number of entries in the year 2024 is 15 or more studies, the contest closes and the judge issues the verdict.
Then in 2025, a similar rule applies. Prizes, honorable mentions, commendations and special nominations will be awarded.
- The award will be sent to participants by e-mail.
Closing date: 15th October of the year 2024 or 2025