Who was Alexander Rueb?
(*27.12.1882 †2.02.1959 Den Haag)
Arves is named after him, therefore a special page about him.
First a link to the wonderful (german-language) site of Ralph Binnewirtz.
Which has two pictures and some interesting information about Alexander Rueb.
In the article Alexander Rueb (dutch) there is some more information about him.
Dr. Alexander Rueb was one of the founders of the Fide in 1924 and he was the first president of FIDE in 1925.
Dr. Rueb served as president of the Fide for 25 years, from 1924 to 1949.
He was a lawyer of profession, an amateur chessplayer and wrote books about endgame studies.
He was also a collector of chessbooks.
The chess book collection of the Alexander Rueb Foundation is now in the library of the University of Amsterdam.
Alexander Rueb also was once chairman of the oldest chessclub of the Netherlands in The Hague DD (Discendo Discimus),
where he bought a building which is called the NSG (Nationaal SchaakGebouw), translated as: National Chess Building.
The name EBUR of the Arves-magazine is an anagram of Rueb as you might have guessed.
Bronnen van de Schaakstudie; De Schaakstudie Deel I
A.Rueb 1953.
Mr. Alexander Rueb produced the most important theoretical work on chess studies ever written.
He was born and died in the Hague, was lawyer at the Supreme Court, diplomat, and first president of FIDE (1924 - 1949).
After his death, the Rueb Foundation supported the field of endgame studies.
"De Schaakstudie" and "Bronnen van de Schaakstudie" in 5 volumes were written during the last part of Rueb´s life.
The important content is included in "De Schaakstudie". Additional examples are presented in "Bronnen".
In the first volume, the history of endgame composing is described (from Arabian composing until the present time. Dutch composing receives special attention.
In the final part, the endgame study is defined, and thoughts about aesthetics are summarized.
The theoretical starting point for the other four volumes is the explanation of chess battle in terms of time, space, material and activity.
The ideas expressed in a chess study are categorized by the elements of time, space, material and activity.
The most pornounced expression of the time element is gain of time.
Themes using the time element are chess moves (series and moves, staircase and check avoidance), direct and indirect batteries,
direct and indirect threats, multibple attack, critical squares,
Zugzwang and castling.
(Source: Endgame study composing in the Netherlands and Flanders by Jan van Reek and Henk van Donk)
Rueb also played correspondence chess, and along with Max Euwe and Alexander Alekhine,
promoted the idea of a world correspondence championship in the 1930's,
which did not come to fruition until after World War 2.
Rueb was also awarded the International Arbiter title by FIDE in 1951.
Source: Tim Harding "50 Golden Chess Games - More Masterpieces of Correspondence Chess", Chess Mail, 2004.
Fide 1949. In front Rueb. (After him Euwe, 3rd left Botvinnik ?).
Botwinnik and Rueb
Euwe behind Rueb.
Brussels, 7-june-1924.
He composed 4 sound studies:
Below a picture of a woodcut by Voellmy (published in Die Sweitzerische schachzeitung):