Arves houdt al vanaf 1995 oploswedstrijden waarbij de deelnemers eindspelstudies moeten proberen op te lossen.
Sinds 2009 is er ook een oploswedstrijd die tijdens het jaarlijkse grootmeester toernooi te Wijk aan Zee wordt georganiseerd.
Dolf Wissmann heeft een samenvatting gemaakt van deze toernooien en in twee excel bestanden verzameld.
Hieronder een historische weergave van de resultaten beide oploswedstrijden.
Arves has been running Solving Contests since 1995 where participants have to try to solve endgame studies.
Since 2009 there is also such a solving competition organized during the annual grandmaster tournament in Wijk aan Zee.
Dolf Wissmann has made a summary of all these tournaments in two excel files.
Below a historical representation of the results both events.
Dear chessfriends,
The ARVES solving tourney 2019 was the 10th and last edition of a fine tradition.
The faithful tournament arbiter Luc Palmans and myself have taken this decision sharing the feeling that this would be the moment from personal reasons and in view of the lack of further financial resources.
To conclude this meaningful chapter for us I wish to thank all those who kindly contributed to its success:
First and foremost our devoted arbiter Luc Palmans, who selected and tested the studies, prepared the paper work and skilfully judged all 10 editions;
All distinguished composers who provided their fine original entries;
0ur photographers Harry Gielen and to Rene Olthof for helping to documentate and save the precious moments and the finest memories;
To the boards of ARVES and Tata Steel chess and Jurgen Stigter for their substantial support.
Last but not least I would like to thank you all dear participants and to wish you a happy new year and Lots of success in your future challenges!
Best regards, Yochanan Afek , Tournament director.
Addition by Luc Palmans:
Ward Stoffelen was arbiter of the first edition. I participated at the first edition, finished last, and decided it was time for a career switch.
Thanks to all the participants and supporters of these 10 fine editions.
Of course thanks to Yochanan, who doesn't stop to promote our art.
Best wishes to everybody for the next year,
Download here this zip file with these summaries.
Arves Solving contests Wijk aan Zee 2009 - 2019.
Arves Solving contests 1995 - 2023.