Links to other Websites with Chess-alike subjects.
If you like to learn (more) about the chessgame (click-here), and come back later.
The well known EG Magazine
EG has celebrated in july 2015 a 50 year-anniversary and is the leading magazine about the endgamestudy world.
You can find there 152 numbers in .pdf format for free! and there is a subject-index.
In this magazine you can find thousands of studies!
You can order older issues of EG, send an email to:
Numbers 1 - 100, € 4,50 each.
Numbers > 100, € 3,40 each.
A.A. Troitzky 1906
White plays and wins.
Theme: Zugzwang and mate.
- Danish Team Tromso 2014
- Die Schwalbe German website for problemists.
- French website for chess problems: Phénix.
- Israeli Variantim.
- Italian: Accademia del Problema.
- Italian/English: Best Problems.
- PatAMat Slovakia website for Chess Composition.
- Probleemblad.
- Romanian e4-e5 magazine
- Serbia: MatPlus.
- Slovakian: Pat a Mat.
- Strategems - US Chess Problem Magazine - Endgames. (does not work?)
- Tidskrift for schack, the swedish magazine is now fully available (scanned), wherein also many studies have been published.
- studies and Problems.
- Argentinia Union De Problemistas De Ajedrez (UAPA).
- Azerbaijan Chess Composition.
- British Chess Problem Society founded 1918. New website !
- Bulgaria Chess Composing.
- Czechslovensky Sach.
- Dutch chess federation KNSB. Central website for dutch news and other organisations to be found.
- Euro Chess Organisation.
- Fide Chess Composition Album 2001-2003.
- Fide Chess Composition Album 2004-2006.
- Finnish Chess Problem Society.
- France Echecs, Etude section.
- Hungarian Chess Composers.
- Israeli Chess Composition Society.
- Italian study section of FSI Federatione Scacchistica Italiana.
- MaxEuwe Centre, where many of the Arves meetings are held.
- Polish Chess Federation.
- Romanian chess federation (Composition section).
- Romanian Compozite Sahista.
- Schweizerische Schachbund.
- US Chess Federation.
- US Chess Problem Society - Strategems
- WFCC = World Federation for Chess Composition - FIDE.
- Beasley, John: British Endgame Study News with many articles of Endgamestudies.
- Campioli, Marco: Club 64.
- ChessEssentials by Vjekoslav Nemec from Croatia.
- Costa, Francesco.
- Costeff, Gady with his studies and Chess Query Language 6.
- Didukh, Sergei, Chess Study Art
- Golha, Jan: Chess Compositions.
- Iuri Akobia Chess Endgame Studies.
- KasparovChess with study articles (Russian). Also 555 miniatures to replay from screen.
- Kotesovec, Vaclav: Fairy Chess Composer and programmer.
- Krabbe, Tim: Tim Krabbé is a dutch writer but has also on his website many interesting chess stories and chess curiosities with also endgame studies.
- Also there is to be found the "Tim Krabbé-60 Jubilee Tourney Endgame studies".
- Krug, Peter: Austria - Union Argentina de Problemistas de Ajedrez : selection of Austian endgamestudies.
- Lorinc, Juraj: Juraj Lörinc: Chess Composition Microweb. Site with many studies and problems.
- Mikitovics, Janos: Hungarian Chess Composers.
- Michael Pasman.
- Poisson, Christian: Problemesis.
- Rumyantsev, Sergey.
- Rusz, Arpad: Chess Endgamestudies.
- Sanderse, J.T: ChessProblem lovers. 132 studies and problems by J.T.Sanderse.
- Selivanov, Andrey.
- Stephanson, Brian: BDS with Chess Endgame Studies.
- The Retrograde Analysis Corner by Joost de Heer and Otto Janke.
- Van der Heijden, Harold. Database-5.
- Learning From Studies. An article where Danisch GM Bent Larsen explains the use of studying Endgamestudies for chess players.
- Siegfried Hornecker shows monthly endgamestudies at Chessbase.
- Endgamestudy information also on Wikipedia.
- What is an endgamestudy, a descrition by Wikipedia? Follow this site for further info about chessendgamestudy history.
- has also interesting articles about endgamestudies like this one.
websites with endgame study examples
- Endgamestudy examples by great masters.
- 555 miniatures to replay from screen !
- General difficult Endgames.
- GameKnot daily an endgame puzzle with a chance for a price.
- 5 studies on
- Play or check out.
- Study: M Grinfeld, 1903, by Dennis Monokroussos.
- Study: Gia, Nadareishvili 1952 by Dennis Monokroussos.
- Yet Another Chess Problem Database. Here you can search studies and solutions (not replay)
- Wikivisually about SchachKomponisten.
- International Judges of Chess Composition.
- Belgium chess link-site:
- Chessbase has an online solving and ranking page.
- List with Mutual Zugzwangs.
- EGTB. Nalimov Endgame Tables by Erich Bleicher. Alternative (you need java).
- has a lot of endgames and studies to replay for learning.
- Pictures of chesscomposers.
- Russian Chess Art.
- ChessArchives.
- To check an endgameposition with an Online Endgame computer (Chess Archives Endgames). Fill an FEN-definition.
- Webforum on chessproblems and studies at
- Russia: Chesscomposer.
- forum with many topics about chess problems and also studie.
- Russian Internet website.