The Goal of ARVES.

The association has made its goal to

encourage the composing, solving and replaying of chess endgamestudies

and the development of chess endgame theory,

especially in The Netherlands and Flanders.

The association tries to reach this goal by:

a. organizing meetings with lectures,

b. organizing composition- and solving contests,

c. having a magazine where original studies can be published,

d. archiving and popularising the chess endgame studies.

e. having a website that serves all the previous items to help reaching them.


 O. Weinberger  1960

  White plays and wins.


Welcome in the world of chess endgame study!

The members of ARVES are real enthousiasts.

Mostly first it starts with the interest to solve chess puzzles.

Then comes the amazement of the ingenious compositions

and the admiration of the surprises within the studies.

After that the curiosity grows for the long

and huge history of chess composition

going back hundreds of years, with composers, books.

The typical themes, categories and manoeuvres.

The beauty of this part of chess remains forever.

In fact, a perfect study is immortal!


You are invited in this fantastic world and to become a member of ARVES!

The website is free.

But if you register freely you will see more articles.


A nice example,

"White plays and wins".

Composed by S.Leow in 1849!