The magazine EG was founded in 1965.

On this webpage all the issues up to 2012 are published as PDF files.

The EG index is very useful to quickly retrieve certain topics.

For optimal results, Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader should be used to assess the files

(some browsers with PDF functionality do not display all illustrations appropriately).


Subscription to EG.

The annual subscription to EG (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) is € 40,- euro for 4 issues.

Payable to ARVES (Brialmontlei 66, B-2018 Antwerpen, Belgium):

IBAN: NL 19 INGB 0000 0540 95


ING Bank NV, POB 1800, 1100 BV Amsterdam

If you pay via eurogiro from outside the European Union, please add € 3,50 euro for bankcharges.

Payment also possible

- via Paypal on email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

And form outside Europe:

- postal money order, USD or euro bank notes (but no cheques) to the treasurer (please, not ARVES or EG !)

It is of course possible with any kind of payment to save bank charges by paying for more years in advance or for more persons at the same time,

as some subscribers already do, or in cash at the annual World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC)

run in conjunction with meeting of the World Federation of Chess Composition (WFCC).

For all information, especially change of address, please contact the treasurer:

Marcel  Van Herck,

Brialmontlei 66, B-2018 Antwerpen, Belgium,

e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Founder of EG and honory member of Arves

Roycroft, Arthur John 1929

Chief Editor: Van der Heijden, Harold 1960

Some of the editors: 

Pallier, Alain 1962

Afek, Yochanan 1952

Van de Gevel, Ed 1960-2021

Vlasak, Emil 1956

Hornecker, Siegfried 1986


 See also: EG issues 191 - 214

In November 2017, Harold van der Heijden corrected some problems (e.g. missing pages) in the PDF-files of the following issues:
8, 12, 27, 44, 48, 56, 74, 93, 98, 102-1, 106-1, 106-2, 109, 113, 114, 115, 117, 122, 124, 124-supplement, 125, 134, 136, 138, 153.

EG 196

EG 191 Extra

 EG 190

EG 189-supplement

EG 189

EG 188-supplement

EG 188

EG 187-supplement

EG 187

EG 186-supplement

EG 186

EG 185-supplement

EG 185

EG 184-supplement

EG 184

EG 183-supplement

EG 183

EG 182

EG 181-supplement

EG 181

EG 180

EG 179-supplement

EG 179

EG 178-supplement

EG 178

EG 177-supplement

EG 177

EG 176-supplement

EG 176

EG 175

EG 174

EG 173-supplement

EG 173

EG 172

EG 171-supplement

EG 171

EG170 2007 - A minor dual is not a big deal by Harold van der Heijden.

EG 170

EG 169

EG 168

EG 167

EG 166

EG 165

EG 164

EG 163

EG 159-162

EG 158

EG 157

EG 156

EG 155

EG 154

EG 153

EG 152

EG 151-supplement

EG 151

EG 150

EG 149

EG 148

EG 147-supplement

EG 147

EG 146

EG 145

EG 144

EG 143

EG 142-supplement

EG 142

EG 141

EG 140

EG 139

EG 138

EG 137

L. Zalkind 1929.

White plays and wins.

EG 136-supplement

EG 136

EG 135

EG 134

EG 133-supplement

EG 133

EG 132-supplement

EG 132

EG 131-supplement

EG 131

EG 130

EG 129

EG 128

EG 127

EG 126

EG 125

EG 124 Supplement

EG 124

EG 123

EG 122-supplement

EG 122

EG 121

EG 120

EG 119-supplement

EG 119

EG 118-supplement

EG 118

EG 117

EG 116

EG 115

EG 114

EG 113

EG 112

EG 111-supplement

EG 111

EG 110

EG 109

EG 108

EG 107

EG 106-1

EG 106-2

EG 105

EG 104

EG 103

EG 102-1

EG 102-2

EG 101

EG 100

EG 99

EG 98

EG 97

EG 96

EG 95

EG 94

EG 93

EG 92

EG 91

EG 90

EG 89

EG 88

EG 87

EG 86

EG 85

EG 84

EG 83

EG 82

EG 81

EG 80

EG 79

EG 78

EG 77

EG 76

EG 75

EG 74

EG 73

EG 72

EG 71

EG 70

EG 69

EG 68

EG 67

EG 66

EG 65

EG 64

EG 63

EG 62

EG 61

EG 60

EG 59

EG 58

EG 57

EG 56

EG 55

EG 54

EG 53

EG 52

EG 51

EG 50

EG 49

EG 48

EG 47

EG 46

EG 45

EG 44

EG 43

EG 42

EG 41

EG 40

EG 39

EG 38

EG 37

EG 36

EG 35

EG 34

EG 33

EG 32

EG 31

EG 30

EG 29

EG 28

EG 27

EG 26

EG 25

EG 24

EG 23

EG 22

EG 21

EG 20

EG 19

EG 18

EG 17

EG 16

EG 15

EG 14

EG 13

EG 12

EG 11

EG 10

EG 9

EG 8

EG 7-supplement

EG 7

EG 6

EG 5

EG 4

EG 3

EG 2

EG 1

V. Korolkov, 1929

White plays and wins.