Studies composed by

Jorge Marcelo Kapros

(Argentina, 6.11.1955 - 27.8.2023)

With his friend Jorge Joaquin Lois (right).


Jorge Kapros usually composes problems together with Jorge Lois.
For details about Jorge Kapros and examples of his works

(alone or in collaboration with J.Lois)

please refer to the Argentinian site 

or more precisely their recently awarded works.

Mike Prcic writes in Strategems 93 about them:

Notable Composers – The Amazing Jorges
Jorge Joaquin Lois and Jorge Marcelo Kapros
by Mike Prcic

I have known of Kapros and Lois for some time. I always admired their work and looked forward to more.

They published often in StrateGems and won some awards as well. I had an opportunity to meet them thanks to the Congress in Rio in 2009. They flew in from Buenos
Aires and were part of the Argentine contingent which also included Roberto Osorio. We often talked (Roberto is nearly fluent in English and Kapros knew enough to communicate). This was
their one chance in lifetime to participate in the workings of the Congress and to meet composers. They were happy to be there.
This is their story.

Jorge Joaquin Lois was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on December 5, 1946. He studied medicine at La Plata University, graduating as Doctor of Medicine in 1975. He is a specialist in
Labor Medicine. Now retired, he has worked in that capacity for different institutions in his home town. He is married to Norma and they have two sons, Maximiliano and Fernando.
Jorge Lois learned the rules of chess at the age of 8, playing sporadically until 1962, when he met Jacobo Bolbochán (who won the Argentine chess championship twice, in 1931 and
1932), at the Huracán Soccer Club, where Jorge was a member and Jacobo was working as a chess teacher. Jacobo was his first chess instructor and opened the doors of the chess world to
It was during 1972 that a series of helpmates appeared in La Prensa and a photo of Peña del Mate de Ayuda, the group of fairy composers (at the time helpmates were considered fairy
chess) who met every Saturday at Club Argentino de Ajedrez, was published in the then wellknown magazine Ajedrez (no longer existing). Owing to those events, Lois contacted Emiliano
F. Ruth, problemist and then President of the Peña del Mate de Ayuda. Lois joined the group because he adopted fairy chess or perhaps fairy chess adopted him.
Jorge Marcelo Kapros was born in Buenos Aires also, on November 6, 1955. His family moved to El Palomar, near Buenos Aires, when he was 5 years old. He studied at an elementary
school with commercial orientation, and has worked as a Cobol programmer. He hopes to retire soon.

Jorge Kapros learned about chess problems by reading the weekly chess columns in newspapers.
He enjoyed twomovers, especially when he discovered the themes explained in a magazine called Joker.
He composed his first twomover in 1972 and sent it to the Editor of Joker, Luciano Wilfrido Cámara, who published the problem.
Cámara invited him to join Peña del Mate de Ayuda a few months later than Lois. Kapros, who was fond of twomovers at the time,
was gradually integrated as he discovered that the strategies of twomovers could be used in helpmates.

Jorge Kapros edited a permanent section for chess composition in the magazine Ajedrez Postal Americano from 1973 to 1982, and later did the same in the magazine Ajedrez de Estilo while
its printed version was available. Lois wrote another permanent section of fairy composition with Julio Alberto Pancaldo in the magazine Mundo del Ajedrez (no longer existing).
Luciano Wilfrido Cámara had a weekly chess column in the newspaper La Prensa until 1980 and La Nación later, until his death in 2004. Those columns and his two pages in Joker
made known the activity of Argentine composers, explaining what they did, how and where.
This helped both Jorges to learn as much as possible. They started composing together. This relationship, which started 43 years ago, still goes strong. They both have fun composing
mainly helpmates together, whether at the club, at Lois's house, or on the phone.

Oscar Jorge Carlsson used to say that he reserved his endgame studies with short solutions for La Prensa and La Nación because he knew that space in these newspapers was at a premium.

They still compose helpmates with few moves and solutions because they would
have a better chance of being published in any chess column also. Feenschach and Problemas were the first specialized magazines to publish their originals.
Emiliano F. Ruth translated the comments of solvers of problems published in feenschach. There were no language difficulties with the Spanish magazine Problemas. Today they do their
best to manage English with online translators. Sadly, they are not working much together now because of transportation problems. The telephone is good, but not the best, for this.

(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden (HHdbVI))