Famous publisher Sahovski informator, founded in 1966 has recently (2022)

issued this book of more than 500 pages:

Author, Grandmaster in composition, Yochanan Afek has brought together 2000 miniatures: 

Afek, Yochanan 1952


The book, with a nice hard cover, starts with the foreword of  6 pages, by GM Jan Timman,

where he shows and comments 7 miniature Endgame studies of his choice with two originals by himself.

From this foreword by GM Jan Timman: 

“Endgame studies are in fact an important factor in becoming a strong player.

It is significant that both Garry Kasparov and Magnus Carlsen have a keen interest in endgame studies. 

It is praiseworthy that Chess Informant was ready to publish this important work.

Afek is arguably the most qualified person to write it.”


After the Preface by Yochanan, the real contents with 2000 studies follows.

The book contains 21 chapters by typical endgame study themes

(you may find explanation also in the big glossary at this website in: Glossary || Terminology)

Each chapter starts with explaining the theme in text and by an example.

Then many example positions are shown, as a challenge to solve, as Informator often has done in their periodicals.

The studies are chronologically organized in each chapter, naming the composer,

the first publication or tournament where it was part of and the prize it gained.

At the end of each chapter the solutions are showed in informator style (by their uniformal signs / symbols method).

Along these solutions are more than 100 pictures of composers included.

The last chapter contains studies composed by famous OTB grandmasters, even worldchampions.

There is an index of the composers.


This book is very interesting for solvers, for any chessplayer to train their endgame quality, endgame tactics and analyses skils.

And for any other chessplayer to have a collection of the most beautiful chess creations of all time.


The contents:

The back cover with the author:


At the publishers website you can order the book but also a

CD: https://sahovski.com/Anthology-of-Miniature-Endgame-Studies-by-Yochanan-Afek-*ChessBase-Version-CD*-p530045319

Book: https://sahovski.com/Anthology-of-Miniature-Endgame-Studies-by-Yochanan-Afek-p516296182


Also available at this Dutch website 


Use also this excerpt to see how the book is organized.

Each study is showed in a diagram with the name of the composer(s),

the year when it was first published,

the name of the magazine or tournament where it first was published and

sometimes the prize it was given.