A few studies composed by

Erich Anselm Brunner

(Switzerland, 11.12.1885 - 16.5.1938)


Brunner's grandfather had come from Switzerland as an actor to the Brunswick Court Theater.
His father ran a curtain factory in Plauen.  
In 1901, after the death of his father, Brunner left the humanistic Gymnasium prematurely to devote himself to the study of music at the Leipzig Conservatory.
In piano playing he was ready for the concert. It was not until 1910 that he passed his high school diploma afterwards.
He dropped out of medical school after three semesters.
In 1915 he moved to Chemnitz.
In the fall of 1918, Brunner went on medical advice to Switzerland, where the food situation was better, and lived in Ascona.
In 1919 he married.
His business ventures in Ascona, including a café on Lake Maggiore, were unsuccessful and eventually led to an "economic collapse".
In 1928 he was separated from his wife and moved to Zurich.
From 1929 to the autumn of 1937 he lived in Munich and dealt with his game "Delta", which he self-produced and distributed. 
In his last year, the Brunners moved to Zurich, where Erich Brunner died a few months after moving to a stroke.
He worked in his last years on a book that he could not finish.
Moriz Henneberger and Hans Klüver completed the project in his mind.


Chess Composer Blogspot reports about him that he was a Swiss/German composer:

Erich Brunner composed (mostly Problems) around 600 strategic multimovers.

The best of his problems were compiled by Moritz Henneberger and Hans Klüver, who completed Erich Brunner's selection, in "Erich Brunner - ein Künstler und Deuter des Schachproblems".

The book can be read and downloaded from here and the list of errata, by Anton Baumann, here.

Several themes are named after him or were researched by him, such as the Brunner-Turton, the Brunner-Dresdner, the Brunner-Plachutta, the Swiss theme, etc.

Turton doubling: a piece moves along a line (rank, file or diagonal), then a similarly-moving piece moves onto the same line in front of it, then this second piece moves again along this line,

in the opposite direction to that of the first The Brunner Turton is differentiated from the Loyd Turton by the fact that the first piece moved is of greater value than the second in Loyd-Turton,

while in the former the two pieces are of equal value.


He is one of the most important composers of the last century. 

Erich Brunner is mentioned very often in German language and also chessforums:

More about him can be found at German Wikipedia and an article by Manfred Zucker in die Schwalbe.
Also on the Schwalbe online database there are 220 (!) chess problems from Erich Brunner to be found.


(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) )

The following study (with a Turton) is corrected by Peter Krug: