Selection out of 126 studies composed by
Max Arn K.S. Karstedt
(Germany, 15.1.1868 - 22.3.1945)
Many of his studies are incorrect and also a great part are theoretical endings now.
But Chesscomposerblosgpot gives:
Karstedt was also the discoverer of the K+B+S vs K+Q fortress (wKh1, Bg2, Se4) which is mentioned, for instance,
in the June 2006 issue of BESN and is explained in details on Roberto Stelling's website.
Tom Morrell claimed to have discovered another K+B+S vs K+Q fortress (wKf2, Bf3, Sg2)
but this claim is not sustained by the Nalimov database.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).