Selection out of 164 studies composed by
Bronislav Grigorievich Olimpiev (or Olympiev)
(Russia, 3.6.1937)
Composer and Russian player with FIDE Master category, who was born in Pishma, in the Sverdlovsk region,
where he lives retired from his profession as an expert engineer in industrial drainage.
Beginning in the composition of chess at the age of 20, and until 1988 he had composed about 130 Studies (with 6 first prizes, 2 seconds, 6 thirds and 2 fifths, and 60 honorable mentions),
but an updated estimate raises the Number of their Studies to 200.
The engineer Olimpiev that among his best successes has been repeated times finalists of the championships of composition of the USSR,
dedicates almost exclusively to the miniatures, including with heavy material; and although it seldom composes problems, in those cases their works also do not exceed the limit of the 7 pieces.
He is Fide Master of the FIDE for chess composition since 1992.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).