Studies composed by
Gustavus Charles Reichelm
(USA, 6.11.1839 - 30.11.1905)
He collaborated in the specialized section of several publications;
In 1874 founded "The Chess Record" and as author wrote with W.P. Shipley, the historical and anecdotal book "Chess in Philadelphia" published in the city in 1898,
Specialist also in pawns endings, he has a famous study with Dr. Emanuel Lasker of which he was very friendly, and with whom he used to play and analyze very complex positions.
He was editor of "Brentano Chess Montly" and Philadelphia Chess from "Philadelphia Evening Bulletin".
A nice picture from 1892 with Em. Lasker can be found at Chess Archeology.
His famous position composed with EM. Lasker about the theme corresponding squares can be found at Wikipedia.
Also a picture and information ChesscomposerBlogspot.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).