Selection out 40 studies composed by
Julio César Infantozzi
(Uruguay/Montevideo, 2.4.1916-31.10.1991).
Playing and winning against Alexander Alekhine in a simultaneous session in Montevideo, 2.3.1938.
Composer at work at his summer home in Parque del Plata, Uruguay.
Player, composer and publicist born in Montevideo where he lived and practiced his profession of medical surgeon for 35 year.
Initially dedicated to direct and assisted mates.
In the field of study he composed about 60 works.
His favorite subjects were those of drowned and "Zugzwang" until in its animated ends of pawns alone.
Source: “El arte del Estudio del Ajedrez”- T.IV (Ex Unión Sovietica) Autor: Zoilo R. Caputto- Bs.As. (Argentina) - 1996.
Little more information about him can be found at ChessComposersBlogspot.
EG index gives the following interesting references to articles in EG about him:
Infantozzi, J.C. 978 (19)
Infantozzi, J.C. 1743 (31), 1744-46 (32), 5604-06 (80)
Studies selected by Mario Garcia.
Watching a play at the Palacio Penarol in Montevideo, Uruguay.
(On the left: Otto Benitez, Uruguayan chess champion in 1974 and 1975, and the woman is Benitez’s wife).
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the