Selection out of studies of more than 160 composed by
Alexander Sergeevich Kakovin
(Ukraine, 15.8.1910 - 7.9.1979)
who is born in Kharkov.
Outstanding Ukrainian composer born in Kharkov, by technical mining profession.
From 1936 began to dedicate himself to the chess composition, getting to create, in equal parts, 400 works between problems and studies,
and in 1968 was named Master of the Sport of the USSR in chess.
A good deal of Kakovin's studies are in collaboration with other composers
and in that respect his friendship with F. Bondarenko resulted in the creation of numerous joint works, many of which were awarded.
In his individual youth works Kakovin exhibits a light and pleasant style, with brief and linear ideas;
But in its maturity it is noticed a greater depth and a more restrictive criterion in the use of the material.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the