Studies composed by

Kari Valtonen

(Finland, 26.4.1954)


With Milan Velimorovic he has written the book Encyclopedia of Chess Problems.

He is GM Solver since 1994 and International Judge of chess composition since 1993.

Editor of the chess composition section of “Suomen Shakki” (1987-2008),

sub-editor of chess composition magazine “Suomen Tehtavaniekat” (1992-1997).

Author of several articles on themes and terms in chess composition.

World Solving Champion in 1984. Living in Tampere, Finland.

More about him also can be found at Wikipedia.

Also at ChesscomposerBlogspot there is some information about him to be found.


(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) )