Selection of studies composed by
Josef Halumbirek
(Austria, 7.3.1891 - 23.6.1968)
At Chesscomposesblogspot we can read:
He was [...] a mandatory author for anyone specializing in moremovers.
Halumbirek was the editor of the Problems section of the "Deutsche Schachzeitung" from 1932 until 1944.
His problems must be carefully studied in order to get all the hidden treasures in deceptively simple settings.
The reader may be interested in the article about the focal theme ("Brennpunkt neuheiten") by W.F.von Holzhausen
published in the Wiener Schachzeitung March 1927 pag.69-72 and downloadable from here.
Also on Wikipedia there is more information about him.
At Die Schwalbe you can find problems he created.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the