Study composed by
Ed Van de Gevel
(Netherlands, 17.2.1960 - 26.10.2021)
Ed Van de Gevel was an important editor of magazine EG for many years.
He also takes part of many Solving Contests of Arves and is a longterm member of Arves.
The tournament for his 60th birthday: Van de Gevel 60 JT 2010
Here you may watch a video he made of his home town Amersfoort:
Ed was also a great fan of the famous Science Fiction series: Star Trek.
Here an original picture of him at a fanclub meeting.
Also there an obituary about him (in Dutch) of this Fan Club.
Obituary Ed van de Gevel (17ii1960 – 26x2021)
With great regret I have to inform you that our endgame study friend Ed van de Gevel suddenly passed away.
Soon after ARVES was founded (in 1988), he joined as a member – in our club magazine EBUR
I found some references to presentations about endgame studies he gave in the early 1990’s.
Ed wrote an interesting, and humorous article in EBUR (1993) about interferences,
which he later translated into an English article for EG143 entitled “Jurassic Park”.
The editor commented: “The author treats the interference theme as a prehistoric paleontological phenomenon....”.
I re-read the article with great pleasure and do recommend that you do the same.
Here is the hyperlink:
(page 101-104).
Ed contributed a lot to the furtherance of our art “behind the screens”.
First, he became technical editor of EG in 1994. Its main editor, John Roycroft, wrote on the occasion in EG111:
“Please address all correspondence to Ed – the perfect name for an ED-itor”.
He did the lay-outing of EG for no less than 17 year.
But then he took over the Originals section of EG which he edited for another 10 years!
The endgame study community must be grateful to him.
He also frequently propagated endgame studies at his Amersfoort chess club ASG.
Ed was a frequent visitor of ARVES’ meetings and solving events.
I remember him as a very modest and kind person, who could be passionate about a certain endgame study theme –
not seldomly inspired by his o.t.b. play.
Despite that he only published a handful of endgame studies.
However, probably his greatest hobby was his passion for the science fiction series Star Trek.
The invitation for the funeral features a picture of the milky way with the text “beam me up, Scotty”.
Thank you, Ed, for all your endgame study work and your friendship.
Harold van der Heijden.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden (HHdbVI))