Selection of studies composed by
Carlos Rodriguez Lafora
(Spain, 10.7.1884 - 19.4.1966)
On ChesscomposerBlogspot we can read about him:
Carlos Lafora became International Judge in 1960. He was famous for his collection of more than 18,000 endgame studies.
Based on his collection he wrote two books: "Alfiles en casilla distinto color" (1963) and "Dos caballos en combate" (1965).
He published several KSS vs KP endgames in "Dos caballos..."
He was International Judge of the FIDE for chess compositions since 1960.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) )