Selection of studies composed by

Bo Waldemar Lindgren

(Sweden, 26.2.1927-4.6.2011)

GrandMaster of the FIDE in chess composition.

Title awarded in 1980.


A very informative article about can be found at ChessBase News where also this picture is found.

The following information can be found at ChesscomposersBlogspot.

Bo Lindgren was the son of Lindgren, Frithiof 1897-1957 (see also ChessComposersBlogspot: February 23rd).

International Judge since 1966 and Grand Master since 1980.

He was the editor of the problem columns of Skakbladet from 1952 until 1957 and collaborated with Stella Polaris from 1966 until 1970.
A collection of 197 of his best problems was published in 1978 by Walther Jørgensen, titled "Maskrosor" (Dandelions).

John Rice wrote an inspiring two-part article "The Lindgren Legacy" selecting 52 of Lindgren's problems in The Problemist November 2011 and January 2012: a worthy homage to the Swedish GM.

Bo Lindgren (left) and Norman McLeod (right) 1990.

He was International Master of the FIDE for chess composition since 1965.

Study selection by Mario Garcia.

(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).