Selection out of 22 studies composed by
Vitaly Danilovich Israelov (Armenia, 1929).
Composer of Armenian nationality and according to his own information born in Baku (Azerbaidjan), city where he resides, is polygraph of profession. He began in chess composition in 1972 and since then until 1987, had done 55 studies and obtained in competitions 5 first prizes, 3 seconds, 2 thirds, 12 fourth and 1 fifth, other 7 honorable mentions. In general the production of Israelov is characterized by the pawns and smaller pieces and pawns, rarely the towers and never the ladies; And his favorite subject is the positional tables, which give rise to interesting studies in which very often develop original ideas of the composer himself.
SOURCE: "The Art of the Study of Chess" - T.IV (Former Soviet Union) Author: Zoilo R. Caputto- Bs.As. (Argentina) - 1996
EG index gives the following interesting references to articles in EG with or by him:
Israelov, V. Baku 1986 364 (91)
Israelov, V. and Khalilov, I. Sarychev MT 1888 619 (97)
Study selection by Mario Garcia.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).