Selection out of 53 studies composed by
Lev Nikolaevich Tamkov
(Belarus, 1937-1997).
Belarusian composer of Zhlobin, named "worthy architect of the Republic", who lived and developed his professional activities in the city of Gomel. He began composing problems of mate in three, four and more plays, and matte helped, preferably in miniatures, which were published in local magazines, European and American. In the field of Studies, he came to publish 50 works, with which he obtained very good results in individual local competitions or as a member of the team of his country in USSR championships.
SOURCE: "The Art of the Study of Chess" - T.IV (Former Soviet Union) Author: Zoilo R. Caputto- Bs.As. (Argentina) - 1996
EG index gives the following interesting references to articles in EG with him:
Tamkov Memorial Tourney 14591-94 (158)
Tamkov-70 Memorial Tourney 2007 17507-11 (183 supplement)
Sichev, V. Tamkov MT 578 (158)
Sichev, V. Tamkov-70 MT 2007 92 (183 supplement)
Tamkov, L.N. obituary - 171 (126)
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden (HHdbVI))
Study selection by Mario Garcia.