Selection of studies composed by
François-André Dunican Philidor
(France, 7.9.1726 - 31.8.1795).
More about this famous pioneer in chess on Wikipedia.
His famous book dated 1776 !
EG index gives the following interesting references to articles in EG with or by him:
Philidor-200 Memorial Tourney 1994 9912-22 (116)
Grondijs, H. Philidor-200 MT 1994 626 (116)
The pawn as the soul of the endgame study Philidor-200 MT 1994 626 (116)
Roycroft, A.J. Philidor - in '94 229 (159-62)
Philidor, A.D. article about [by Roycroft] - 229 (159-62); book about [by Dupont-Danican] - 630 (116) illustration - 229 (159-62)
Dupont-Danican, J.F. Pour Philidor (1995) 630 (116)
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).
Philidor at an Blindfold exhibitio in London 1780.