Selected studies composed by
Alois Johandl
(Austria, 30.06.1931- 9.07.2004)
Zucker, Manfred 1938-2013 and Alois Johandl, (1993).
Alois Johandl, born in Vienna, was one of the most renowned Austrian authors of chesscomposition.
At the age of seven he learned the game of chess.
At the age of 19 he published his first chess problem.
Most of his chessproblems belong to the logical school, but he built also nice studies.
Alois Johandl composed until 1977.
After a ten-year career-related break, he returned to the composition board in 1987.
During a holiday on Lake Ossiach, Johandl died 2004 on a heart attack.
Since 2004 he was International Master of Chesscomposition.
More about him can also be found at Die Schwalbe in an article by Klaus Wenda.
Selection and one correction made by Peter Krug.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).