Selection of more than 300 studies composed by
Velimir Josifovic (or Esifovich) Kalandadze
(Georgia, 10.5.1935 - 27.10.2017)
Roycroft (l) and Kalandadze (r)
He is International Master of Chesscomposing, born in Tbilisi and is a very significant Georgian study composer and
composed more than 300 endgame studies.
Highest award of a study in 2008 see WFCC.
His first study was published in 1955, when he was 20 years old.
Other information about him can be found on Italian Wikipedia or German Wikipedia and on ChesscomposersBlogspot.
Selection of studies (also some corrected) by, Peter Krug.
About his studies:
Striking feature of his classic style are great economy in the use of the material.
Very often his studies reach a final form.
His preferred themes are
- Systematic manoeuvre
- Blockmates with 1 or 2 or more black pieces
- Stalemate
- Positional draw
Peter Krug has selected and ordered studies for the first 3 themes.
A Georgian composer born in Tbilisi, where he resides, he is a physicist by profession and works as a senior engineer in a state computer center.
He began to compose at a very young age, in 1950, and at the time of reporting his activities, at the end of 1986,
he had created about 200 Studios with a true record and prizes in contests: 15 first, 20 seconds, 28 third, 8 fifths and 17 sixth prizes;
And in addition, 10 honorable mentions and 35 recommendations.
The engineer Kalandadze, also a problem composer, was appointed International Master for chess composition in 1984,
and participated for 20 years in 10 championships of composition of the USSR.
As author he wrote a varied series of articles for specialized publications, some of which were known in the magazine "EG",
and two books in Georgian language: "100 etiudov" (Tbilisi, 1972) on 11 composers of the Georgia of the period 1951 -1970
and "Etiudnie idei v ladeinom okonchanii" (Tbilisi, 1978), with a selection of 145 own studies.
Kalandadze's style as a composer is of remarkable clarity and perfection and can be situated within classical concepts:
original ideas logical content and media economy, and his works often develop with interesting systematic maneuvers, which is one of his favorite subjects .
Known specialist of the end of rooks and pawns, Kalandadze composed numerous Studies in collaboration with D. Gurgenidze,
and of that association they have been created several enduring works.
He is International Master of the FIDE for chess composition since 1984.
He is International Judge of the FIDE for chess compositions since 1993.
In EG 211 there is an article about him by Yochanan Afek.
(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the
Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) )
Studies with sytematic maneuvers
Studies that end in a stalemate
Some corrections of Peter Krug
Another correction: