Selected studies composed by

Alexander S. Seletzki (Russia, ...? - 1938?)

A. Seletzki who lived in Gorki, was in the 30's one of the most talented Soviet study composers.

The best of his studies are part of the inventory of classical masterpieces of literature studies.

In literature unfortunately only very scant biographical information to be found about this Soviet author. The remarks in Sachmatnaja Kompozicija v Gor'kom of Yevgeny Fomitschow 1) can possibly fragments of a biography see: "A. Seletzki who lived in Gorki, was in the 30's one of the most talented Soviet study composers chess puzzles were his starting point, and so published. he between 1930-1938 about 150 studies on the best he received first prizes in prestigious tournaments. " (P 75) "According to eyewitness reports A. Seletzki was an enthusiastic persons. He demonstrated constantly its positions and offered them to dissolve, so it seems logical that Seletzki built far more than he published in the end. This has the high demands to his own work out, and it is not surprising that quickly manifested a great success. " (P.16) Seletzkis chess biographical track loses itself in 1938. His exact life data could be verified in no me known source
For ARVES I´ve selected 8 studies from him, which are admirable. 
  Best regards Peter Krug.

Some more information about this unknown composer in German language can be found in this article in Die Schwalbe.

(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).