Selection of studies composed by

Prof. Dr. Machgielis (Max) Euwe

(Netherlands, 20.5.1901 - 26.11.1981)

This Chess Worldchampion 1935-1937 and Fide President has been the most prominent Dutch chessplayer of all time.



He also created studies, mainly to educate in his many written books.

Wikipedia has a lot more information about him.

Interesting is also The Max Euwe Center in Amsterdam.


Machgielis Euwe was a great endgame theorist. He was born and studied in Amsterdam. After his graduation, he became a mathematics teacher in 1924.

He finished his thesis two years later. After World war II, he developed a professional interest in information theory, and became professor of the methodology of automatic information handling in 1964.

His chess career was impressive. Main achievements were champion of the Netherlands from 1921 until 1954, World champion from 1935 until 1937 and FIDE President from 1970 until 1978.

Euwe was a dominant figure in Dutch chess for half a century as player and author.

He wrote numerous books and articels for journals. In 1927 and 1928, he finished "Praktische schaaklessen"  in (practical chess lessions) that was started by Den Hertog.

Endgames are an important subjekt in part four.

Euwe shos his abilities as a perfect schoolmaster: theory is presented rather drily but is perfectly clear in its logic and simplicity.

Euwe´s main work on endgame theory is "Eindspelen" in twelve volumes.

Basic theory is presented in volumes 1 through 8. Practical endings are presented in volumes 9 through 12.

As Euwe mentions, Berger, Chéron and Rabinovich had a strong influence upon him.

His main contributions are new educational examples and a thorough treatment of the practical endgame.

One study composed by him showes the theme of corresponding squares.

Euwe´s standard work was republished in four revised volumes.

Donner edited the first volume, and Van Wijgerden did the other three. Especially interesting is Van Wijgerden´s volume on rook endgames.

(Source: Endgame study composing in the Netherlands and Flanders by Jan Van Reek and Henk Van Donk).


(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) ).


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 Max Euwe studies page-2

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