Selection of studies out of 26 composed by

Werner Keym

(Germany, 22.2.1942)

At we can read about him:

Werner Keym, is a teacher (of French and Latin) and a musician who has organised more than 300 concerts in his town.

In 2010, he ran as an independent candidate for Mayor of Meisenheim and won in a landslide.

He held that position until 2014, when at 72 he retired to devote more time to his family

— he has five grandchildren — and to his hobbies,

foremost of which is problem chess.


He has written books about problem chess like:

More about this book Anything but Average.

More about this edition of the book Chess Problems out of the Box.

More about this edition of the book Chess Problems out of the Box

Here we also can read about him:

Werner Keym is a German expert in chess problems showing castling, en passant capture, and pawn promotion.

For years problem-lovers have enjoyed his computer-defying puzzles, his funny chess jokes, and his stories in the tradition of Sam Loyd.


(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden (HHdbVI))