Studies composed by

Oscar Bonivento

(Italy, 27.11.1914 - 1.10.2012)

He was International Judge of the FIDE for chess compositions since 1972.

ChesscomposerBlogspot reports about him:

Oscar Bonivento edited chess problem columns and produced many books about Italian chess composition

and composers (Alberto Mari, Giorgio Guidelli, Antonio Bottacchi, Ottavio Stocchi.)
He possessed a large chess library of about 2000 volumes.
He was an International Judge for two- and threemovers.


At Julia's Faires we can read:

With a deep regret I have to inform that this morning, being 98 years old, has gone famous Italian maestro, President of API,

for 50 years editor of Italian chess problem magazine l’Italia Scacchistica and author of dozens of books – Oscar Bonivento.

He was like a father for Italian problemists. Oscar’s death is a heavy loss for Italian and the World chess community. 

Per i problemisti italiani è stato come un padre. Ha curato la sezione problemi sull’Italia Scacchistica per oltre 50 anni e

d ha scritto decine di libri che per noi sono una vera e propria miniera storica di informazioni.” (Valerio Agostini).


At the website of Ken Whyld we can read his contribution to the book: Storia degli scacchi in Italia (1990).


(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) )