
Pages that contain information about endgamestudy composers often with replayable studies.

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Petrov, Dmitry 1909-1987
Petrovic, Nenad 1907-1989
Philidor, François 1726-1795
Pierce, William 1839-1922
Pigits, Zigurds 1923-1989
Pikhurov, Dmitry 1917
Piliczewski, Bogusz 1971
Pitkanen, Jorma 1941-2022
Pivovar, Sergei 1940
Platov, Mikhael 1883-1942
Platov, Vasily 1881-1952
Pogosyants, Ernst 1935-1990
Poisson, Christian 1964
Polasek, Jaroslav 1957
Polerio, Giulio 1548-1612
Polgar, Sisters 1969 1974 1976
Pomogalov, Vasily 1935-2020
Ponce Sala, Lorenzo 1931-2000
Ponziani, Domenico 1719-1796
Popov, Georgy 1934
Popovski, Aleksandar 1932
Pospisil, Jaroslav 1934-2013
Post, Ehrhardt 1881-1947
Prandstetter, Eduard 1948
Preti, Jean-Louis 1798-1881
Prevorovsky, Emil 1920-1942
Prigunov, Vjatcheslav 1950
Prokeš, Ladislav 1884-1966
Prokop, František 1901-1973
Proskurowski, Wlodek 1936
Prusikin, Michael 1978
Przepiorka, David 1880-1940
Pudovkin, Vasily 1937
Rabinovich, Ilya 1891-1942
Radchenko, Sergey 1950
Raican, Paul 1957
Raina, Constantin 1910-1986
Randviir, Juri 1927-1996
Ranking Composers Old
Ranking Composers Total
Ravishankar, S.N. 1953
Razumenko MT
Razumenko, Viktor 1937-2019
Reddmann, Hauke 1961
Rehm, Hans Peter 1942
Reichhelm, Gustavus 1839-1905
Réti, Richard 1889-1929
Rewitz, Poul 1962
Rey Ardid, Ramon 1902-1988
Rezvov, Nikolay 1921-2013
Richardson, Itay 2006
Richter, Emil 1894-1971
Richter, Frantisek 1913-1971
Richter, Rolf 1941-1988
Rinck, Henri 1870-1952
Rinder, Gerd 1935-2022
Rodl, Ludwig 1907-1970
Rol, Gustaaf 1949
Rombach, Harry 1899-1981
Roslov, Yuri 1963-2015
Rossi, Pietro 1924-2020
Rossolimo, Nicolas 1910-1975
Roxlau, Michael 1957
Roycroft, Arthur John 1929
Rudenko, Valentin 1938-2016
Rueb, Alexander 1882-1959
Rumyantsev, Sergey 1956
Runquist, Kjell 1898-1983
Rusek, Jan 1910-1987
Rusinek, Jan 1950
Rusz, Árpád 1974
Ruszczynski, Piotr 1951
Ryabinin, Nikolaj 1958
Ryabtsev, Vladimir 1959
Saavedra Barbier 1895
Sacconi, Antonio 1895-1968
Sackmann, Franz 1888-1927
Sadykov, Azat 1935-2005
Sakharov, Boris 1914-1973
Salai, Ladislav
Salvio, Allessandro 1570-1640
Salvioli, Carlo 1848-1930
Samilo, Vladimir 1946
Sansom, Claude 1914-2013
Sarychev, Aleksandr 1909-1986
Schiffmann, Israel 1903-1930
Schmidt, Peter 1963
Schonmann, Wilhelm 1889-1970
Sehwers, Johann 1868-1940
Seletzki, Alexander
Selezniev, Aleksei 1888-1967
Selivanov, Andrey 1967
Selman, John 1910-1978
Sereda, Victor 1913-1990
Sevcik, Jan 1936-2013
Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsiya 2022
Shansin, Valeri 1961
Shevchenko-200 MT 2014
Shinkman, William 1847-1933
Shmulenson, Grigori 1931