Studies awarded for the 10 years Jubilee tournament
of the Rumanian magazine e4-e5 2017.
Brief report, see also pdf at Awards page (from page 625):
"I thank Dan Gurgui for inviting me to be the judge.
About the statistic.
On the "e4 e5"-10 Years Jubilee Tourney 2017 was 20 entries by 14 authors. From the entrieswas 9 joint compositions.
From my evaluation criteria, I only mention two things now.
The originality. I think, there are so much ideas, so the development of other works is not as valuable as an original idea. The work should be solvable by human.
1.p: Michal Hlinka - Luboš Kekely
The study has a well-defined theme: ideal double pin stalemate. Maybe, this is not very original, but the elaboration is fresh. Who would think think from the initial position to the final stalamate picture? The play is good, and the 7.Rh6!! is an excellent, surprising move.
2.p: Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen – Martin Minski
A beautiful play with naturale positions. I think, it is the among best performances with well-know motifs! There are Nowotny, battery, pin, closing line, stalemate. The study multiplies these.
3.p: Andrzej Jasik:
Very original study. In the two echo main lines white sacrifices his rook to get to the geometrical motif. The solution is not difficult, but the work is harmonious.
sp.p (without order)
I gave "special" prize to two studies, because the theme is the old, and well-known self-block mate, but the authors could add to do something new for this.
David Gurgenidze - Martin Minski
The study has an impressive play with valuable side lines. The mate move is an underpromotion with knight. Surprising!
Peter Krug - Mario Guido Garcia
There are queen sacrifices on both side, and an impressive rook sacrifice in the end of study. Otherwise I think, the showing of theme three times is great!
Honourable mentions Peter Krug-Mario Garcia
A multiphase study. The first phase show white and black queen sacrifices with deep ideas. After the eliminating of queens, white threat with mate in two ways, therefore black must offer his knight to avoid the mate. Finally the white knight fight with black pawns, and he returns to give mate just in time. Pavel Arestov – Daniel Keith
The theme is positional draw with perpetual check. I think, here is the important the way, which leads to perpetual check. First of all white avoids the mate threat of black with two rook sacrifices, but black creates strong threats again with 4 ... Qb7! Then white forces the black figures to bad places with sacrifices. Surprising, but the black queen and the rook may look at the game only then. Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen
Interesting tactical play. White tries to distract the queen, so she does not check the g6 field. The really surprising move is 5.Bb3!, and either pawn move is lead to defeat of black. Vladislav Tarasiuk
There are two phases. In the first are effective sacrifices at both side, with several clear side lines. After 5…Bb2 begin a short foresight theme with stalemate ending. Andrzej Jasik
It's a completely strategic work. Impressive and clear representation of the foresight theme.
Commendations without order
Peter Krug - Mario Guido Garcia
Rook and Bishop vs. Rook material in main line and in the thematic try. Sharp tactical play, with nice rook underpromotion, whish avoids the stalemate trap.
Michal Hlinka - Luboš Kekely
First it seems that, this is an EGTB work. After 2…Ne5 is clear, it can solve a human. The end of study interseting the thematic try. Unfortunately it’s better than main line.
Pavel Arestov
A very kind little work in the foresight theme.
Zalaegerszeg, 2017. december 23, Peter Gyarmati judge"