EBUR was the clubmagazine of ARVES which had 4 issues each year.
The issues are written in Dutch.
It is now integrated in the EG magazine.
The subjects to be found in EBUR are:
Messages for members.
Reports of Arves-events.
Reports about endgamestudy-books and -tournaments.
The studies are shown and commented and especially the winners are honoured.
Historical investigations about endgamestudies, -composers and -publications.
Technical Endgamestudy-investigations (like the correctness of a study).
Endgamestudy themes are showed and commented.
Index of subjects, authors (EBUR_index) from the 1st year of issue until the 16th year of issue.
All Issues can be dowbloaded or opened as a searchable PDF file.
Issue of the 16th In 1990 the front looked (A4) The first issue 1.3.1989
year number 4,
december 2004.
(And EBUR is an anagram of Rueb).
L. Centurini 1847
White plays and wins.
Theme: underpromotion.
2.e8Q? is Stalemate!
Special issue 3th year, number 4, december 1991 and 4th year, number 4, december 1992.
"De zwarte dame in zetdwang", by Th.C.L. Kok; "Hoekmatjes", by John Selman jr.