This KnightPawnRookBishop.cql finds studies with Knight and Pawns against a Rook and Bishop (with pawns).

5.1 Created by Lewis Stiller.

3.02 Created by Peter Boll.

CQL 5.1
; One side has only knight and pawns. The other side has only a rook and a bishop. cql(input heijden.pgn sort matchcount 1 1000) flipcolor {power 0 [QRBqnp] power 1 100 P power 1 100 N power 8 [rb] }

CQL 3.02
(match :pgn heijden.pgn :output KnightPawnRookBishop.pgn (position :flipcolor :variations :piececount r 1 :piececount b 1 :piececount [QRBqn] 0 :piececount N 1 2 :piececount P 1 8)

2438 studies are found. Here a few presented: