An html version of MutualStalemates.cql which is not in the file.
CQL 5.1 Created by Lewis Stiller.
CQL 3.2 Created by Peter Boll.
Searching for Mutual or Reciprocal Stalemate studies.
In a position critical for White, the only way for white to reach a draw is to leave Black the choice between two separate continuations, of which one leads to a stalemate position for White, while the other leads to a stalemate position for Black.
The CQL 5.1 is much more compact.
In CQL 3.2 two cql files are used to find these studies with a white and black stalemate in one study. It finds 14664 studies.
The first cql is WhiteStalemates.cql; The second is MutualStalemates.cql
CQL 5.1
; both white and black stalemate occur in a game cql(input heijden.pgn variations result 1/2-1/2) initial next* {wtm stalemate} next* {btm stalemate}
CQL 3.2
; MutualStalemates.cql. Finding a white and a black stalemate position in one study.
; The first part finds all studies with a white stalemates. (match
:pgn Heijden.pgn
:output WhiteStalemates.pgn
The second MutualStalemates.cql searches in this intermediate WhiteStalemates.pgn file for black stalemate positions (also in variations) and finds 276 studies.
:pgn WhiteStalemates.pgn
:output MutualStalemates.pgn
After executing this with "> cql MutualStalemates.cql" there are 276 studies found in the Harold van der Heijden Database 2015.
NB. When you see {MATCH} in the text, it means that cql has found the position asked for.
Below only 10 studies are presented: