Selection of studies composed by

Zemřel Evžen Pavlovský

(Czechoslovakia, 18.12.1934 - 11.10.2016)

Emil Vlasak reports:

Evžen Pavlovsky 18.12.1934-11.10.2016 was a study enthusiast, editor and occasional composer.  
He composed about 50 studies and published 15.  
Ladislav Prokeš inspired him and later he maintained close relations with Bretislav Soukup-Bardon.
In the years 2002-2006 he led a section of studies in the Chess composition.
Since 2000, together with Jaroslav Pospíšil, he has run an "Austro-Hungarian Chess" website.
In 2003, Pavlovský and Pospíšil 70JT organized the international tournament.
In 2008 Evzen managed and sponsored Réti MT, a large well-run international studio tournament.


From left to right: Pavlovský, Jelínek, Maršálek, Buňka, Fica, Vlasák, Polášek, Sabol, Sedlák, Vanka, Karel.

Pictures found at the website of Emil Vlasak.


(All his studies, more exact dates, possible corrections or cooks and exact details about sources can be found in the

Harold van der Heijden database V (31-12-2015) )